Commemorating Hany EL Gewaily at the BA

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Alexandria— The BA is holding a one-day exhibition for Hany EL Gewaily’s works, in addition to screening a selection of his videos, followed by a seminar by critics Ola El-Shafei, Samy Rafe’, Adel El-Siwi and Waheed El-Kellesh on Sunday, 6 January 2008.

Hany EL Gewaily, a photographer and plastic artist, was born in Cairo on 16 December 1969. He obtained a B.Sc. in Applied Arts, Decoration Section, Helwan University in 1992. He studied Italian language at the Perugia University in 1998.

Gewaily received several awards, including a certificate of appreciation from the Egyptian Society of Plastic Art Critics, the Seventh Youth Salon Award in 1995, the State Award for Artistic Creativity in photography from the Ministry of Culture in 1998, and the State Incentive Award in Photography in 2004. Hany EL Gewaily passed away in a car accident on the Cairo-Alexandria desert road at the age of 38.

The exhibition starts at 19:00 hrs at the BA Auditorium.


© Bibliotheca Alexandrina