
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum is holding this lecture, which will be given by Dr. John Darnell, Professor of Egyptology, Yale University, USA; and Director of the Yale Egyptological Institute in Egypt. The research will discuss the Elkab Desert Survey Project discovery of a large early hieroglyphic tableau at the site of El-Khawy, north of the ancient city of Elkab, on the East Bank of the Nile, in May 2017. The paleography of the inscription suggests a date in Dynasty Zero, with the closest parallels deriving from Tomb U-j at Abydos. The inscription, read from right to left, contains a bull's head on a pole, a rearing serpent, two saddle-billed storks back-to-back, and an ibis between them. While such early inscriptions can be difficult to decipher with certainty, the inscription appears to make a statement about royal control over the cosmos, demonstrating the remarkable flexibility of the hieroglyphic writing system at the time of its invention.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – BA Museums 23 Jan 2018 13:00 15:00 Lecture Open For Public

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