BA Celebrates Launch of Book on Ahmed Zewail

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The BA is organizing a book launch for its new publication, Tribute and Reminiscences from Egypt: Ahmed Zewail, the Scientist and the Person, in commemoration of late Dr. Ahmed Zewail’s birthday. The book launch is set to be held on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 at 12:00 noon, Lecture Hall, BA Conference Center (BACC).

The idea behind this publication was raised by Dr. Ahmed Okasha, Professor and Director of WHO Collaborating Center for Training and Research in Mental Health; Founder and Honorary President of the Okasha Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams University; and President of the Egyptian Psychiatric Association (EPA). He had pondered upon it during Dr. Zewail’s commemoration event in 2017 at the BA, which was held concurrently with the issuing of Reminiscences of Ahmed H. Zewail—a Caltech (California Institute of Technology) publication in English that includes the contributions of 37 scholars, scientists, and Nobel Laureates from around the world.

Dr. Okasha collaborated with Dr. Mostafa el Feki, Director of the BA, in order to commemorate and honor the late Dr. Zewail through publishing this book. A large number of Dr. Zewail’s friends, students, family members, and acquaintances were asked to contribute to the book with writings on their personal experiences and interactions with the late scientist.

Dr. Zewail was the 1999 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for his pioneering research that paved the way for the study of chemical reactions in a minuscule timescale known as the femtosecond (which represents one quadrillionth of a second). He was the Linus Pauling Chair Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics at Caltech,, and the Director of the Physical Biology Center for Ultrafast Science and Technology. He held many honorary degrees from around the world and has been widely recognized with honors and orders of merits. Dr. Zewail was an elected member of numerous international academies and societies and was a member of the BA Advisory Board.
