More than 18 Thousand Complete Books Available on DAR

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The BA has recently announced that more than 18,000 complete books are now available on the Digital Assets Repository (DAR) for free.

As part of the BA endeavor to avail knowledge for all and support Arabic culture in the time of information and digital revolution, DAR has greatly contributed to the Arabic online content, containing more than 175,000 books in Arabic available according to copyrights law.

Users can read only 5% of books that are under copy rights regulations, while they can read the complete texts of the 18,000 books that are in the public domain for free.

These books cover different subjects and fields including science, philosophy, religion, social studies, languages, computer, culture, art, history, geography, biography, as well as others.

The BA had launched earlier this year DAR Ver3.0. A total revamp, the new system provides a more advanced version of the digital book portal, and comes with a variety of interactive and customization functionalities for end users.
