Marriage in Ottoman Egypt in the New Issue of the Marased Series

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The BA Future Studies Unit issued the 40th edition of the Marased series entitled "Marriage in Ottoman Egypt", prepared by Mohamed Sayed Mahmoud Hussein, PhD in Modern and Contemporary History from the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University.

The edition includes a study of marriage issues in Ottoman Egypt, since the Ottomans entered Egypt until the beginning of the French campaign. The study monitors cases of marriage and daily transactions in the Egyptian society during the Ottoman era, through cases recorded in the Islamic courts. Thus, it is an analysis of social life, through the relations of individuals with each other, in addition to their relations with management, the interaction of individuals with the judiciary and the courts of law in the daily life of the public and the nature of the judgments issued to them and their impact on them. The research helps in reading history from the grassroots.

The study focuses on linking the jurisprudence of personal status and marriage issues in Ottoman Egypt to determine the importance of the jurisprudential impact on it. The researcher also discusses marriageable age in Ottoman Egypt.
