“International Migration and the Reshaping of the Arab City” in a Seminar at the BA

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The BA Sustainable Development Studies, Youth Capacity Building, and African Relations Support Program organized a seminar entitled "International Migration and the Reshaping of the Arab City Space at the Turn of the 21st Century", delivered by Dr. Ayman Zuhri, Population and Migration Studies Expert and Member of Egypt’s National Council for Human Rights. The event was attended by Prof. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the BA.

Dr. Ahmed Zayed said that the globalization in which we live has witnessed several regular and irregular migration flows to Arab cities, pointing out that there are many migration spaces within the Arab city that create forms of settlements.

In reference to internal migration, Dr. Ayman Zuhri stated that villages were first established, as they were the origin of civilization from which life emerged through agriculture.

The event is part of the seminar series "Social Sciences in a Changing World", and comes amidst the repercussions of international migration to Arab cities.
